DIY Denim Overalls Dress: Jeans to Dress Transformation

This overalls dress first started its life as a pair of jeans; a very very extra extra large pair of women’s straight cut jeans. I fell in love with the wash and colour of the denim and brought them home for $10 from the op shop.

My initial design inspiration was from patchwork denim dresses and jeans on Pinterest, but I quickly realised that creating and wearing a denim dress would just not be practical due to the weight of the fabric. After some more brainstorming, I again realized that a dress would not be possible due to the limited amount of fabric, and settled for overalls instead.


  1. I started by cutting off the legs of jeans and then cut down the outer seam and laying them flat.
  2. I wanted the flat felled seam to be the centre detail, and since jeans are usually wider on the back of the leg than the front, I matched up the seams and cut off the excess fabric on the sides.
  3. I then cut out the flat felled seam on one of the jeans and added the zip down the centre.
  4. After trying the dress on, I marked how I wanted the sides to go down to my waist and cut that U shape out.
  5. Then I hemmed the top and bottom seams, and around the U shaped edge.
  6. Afterward, I created the straps for the shoulders using the scrap fabric from cutting out the U shape and sewed them down to the correct length.


IMG_3744Styled with my rainbow striped sweater and black Adidas Superstar sneakers.


I had heaps of fun shooting this, but it was so hot that day, I felt like I was about to die. It literally took me an entire year (April 2017 to April 2018) to finish this project because I was so busy and I am now posting it 2 years later 😂 I hope this will motivate you to finish you unfinished projects!

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